
today I choose joy
My life goals are pretty simple now: Seek Joy. Fight for Justice.
Dr. Deborah L. Stroman

My life has been a wonderful journey of exploration and engagement. From an early age I can say that I had the seeds of being an enthusiastic educator and entrepreneur. I have always been a lover of books, hearty discussions, teaching, and finding solutions to challenges. My doctoral (leadership and organizational behavior) studies and experiences have led me to create, counsel, and strategize for people in Business, Education, and Sports.
My Story

Before I came back to UNC as a professor, I successfully co-owned a sport marketing and golf event planning company and also enjoyed a 17-year career in financial services. Being a salesperson of intangible products taught me so many skills that were transferable to any career path. I was a 2006 recipient of the State of Maryland’s Top Minority Business Enterprise Award from the Governor’s Office, which recognizes entrepreneurial success in business development, professional affiliation, client satisfaction, and community involvement.
I am blessed to still work closely with many friends in the sports (primarily basketball and football) world to provide consulting services to sports teams and sport-related organizations including the NCAA member institutions, College Football Playoff National Championship, and the Atlantic Coast Conference. I joined a great group of women to start the Greater Raleigh chapter of Women in Sports and Events too.
James Baldwin stated, "The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious, one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated." My interest and passion for the healing of America started at a very early age. Today, with my awareness and understanding of racism in this country, I read, write, discuss, and instruct on the history and manifestations of the racial construct operating in our society. Authentic relationships across color lines must be informed and guided by this very powerful dynamic. Let the truth telling begin!
Although my many interests and students at UNC-Chapel Hill (Gillings School of Global Public Health), University of Virginia (Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy), and other universities keep me busy, I am a strong believer in servant leadership and service within your local community. Giving back through my advisory board of director positions with The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation; Healthy Girls Save the World; the Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute (Tampa, FL); NBER Coordinating Center on the Economics of AD/ADRD Prevention, Treatment, and Care External Advisory Panel; and membership in the United Church of Christ helps to ground me. Developing brave spaces for men of color leaders to bond and breathe is motivational.
I captained the basketball team at the University of Virginia and was an assistant coach (first Black female coach at the university) for the University of North Carolina Tar Heels. So not surprisingly, basketball remains my first love; I enjoy writing for basketball publications and being a radio personality (WRAL 99.5 FM & WCHL 97.9 FM sports commentator). I stay active and youthful by reading, traveling, playing golf, basketball, and biking. I love creating experiences and services while having fun!
My life goals are pretty simple now: Seek Joy. Fight for Justice.
So, do I sleep? Absolutely. Rest and the quieting of the mind is crucial to my work. I am intentional in my strategy and effort to be an agent of change.
Deborah L. Stroman Ph.D. CLU
Reading and writing have always been one of my favorite pastimes.
I am blessed to be able to put words, my experiences, observations, and analysis of various attitudes and behavior. That is, my reflections are my way of releasing critiques and celebrations of humankind. Thanks for taking the time to read. Feel free to share and provide a clap if my writings honor your truth and bring you joy. Onward!

2021 - Recipient
Woman of The Year

I am blessed and honored to have been selected as North Carolina's 2021 Woman of the Year!
I sincerely appreciate you, your commitment to justice, and your donation. My campaign was successful as the title of Woman of the Year for the state of North Carolina was secured and announced at the State Convention on October 7, 2021. Many thanks to my Chapel Hill-Carrboro branch for the initial WOY selection and support. My ongoing drive is about waking people up to truth-telling, organizing, and connecting with people to help our state live its motto of “to be rather than to seem” for all citizens. Onward!
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